Derek Coulter

3rd degree Blackbelt, Owner

Derek Coulter has been a fan of Bruce Lee and kung fu movies his entire life. He started training in martial arts a few years ago; and in 2019, he earned his Certified 3rd Degree Black Belt in Hapkido from the American Institute of Modern Hapkido Instruction (AIMHI). In addition to teaching martial arts, Derek has a BA in Spanish from Mid-America Nazarene University and a Masters in Christian Education from Nazarene Theological Seminary. He has worked as a paramedic and flight paramedic for more than 20 years in Kansas City, New York City, and most recently here in Cass County. Derek enjoys teaching in all areas of his life and is looking forward to working with the next generation of martial artists.

Samuel Coulter

3rd degree Blackbelt

Samuel Coulter has been training Hapkido since he was 6 years old and is now an excellent instructor and role model for developing martial artists. He is an essential part of the "Coulter" in Coulter Hapkido Academy.

Rhonda Coulter


Rhonda Coulter is a veteran Hapkido mom and wife who has seen the value and rewards of martials arts in her family for over 12 years. At Coulter Hapkido Academy she is the smiling face at the door, band-aid getter, question answerer, bathroom cleaner and resident "mom" to all.

Jesse Hunter

1st Degree Blackbelt

Jesse Hunter is a homegrown Coulter Hapkido Academy blackbelt. He teaches our Tuesday evening class in partnership with his brother, Levi. When not teaching or training at CHA he is a full time student.

Levi Hunter

1st Degree Blackbelt

Levi Hunter has come up through the ranks at Coulter Hapkido and is now one of our Tuesday evening instructors. In addition to teaching at CHA, he is pursuing a college degree. 

Franklin Edwards

1st Degree Blackbelt

Franklin Edwards teaches our Saturday morning class. Already a veteran martial artist, we have been excited to see him go from white to black belt it CHA and now share his knowledge and experience with others.