Coulter Hapkido Academy

Hapkido is the Korean martial art of coordinated power. As practitioners, we strive to balance our minds, bodies, and spirits in servant-leadership. This defensive art has a number of strengths, including throwing, joint locks, falling, and, of course, punching and kicking.
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Big thanks to all the students in the AM class today. They all pitched in to help disinfect all the hard surfaces at CHA.
We all need to do our part to keep from spreading illness within the gym. Please remember to stay home and rest if you have had a fever, productive cough or unusual shortness of breath within the past 24 hours.
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Breaking boards is a good way to test technique and explosiveness. Strong work sir on your first time breaking a board!
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
We are starting the Tuesday night, 7 PM class back up again.
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
We are starting the Tuesday night, 7 PM class back up again.
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
We will have the morning class on Monday for Labor Day (9/2), but not evening classes.
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Coulter Hapkido Academy
Summer is coming to a close and so is our modified class schedule. We will be adding the Tuesday night 7PM class back to the line up starting the first week of September.